Leadership & Management Development

T-Space creates immersive and experiential programmes designed to catalyse new thinking, build behavioural skills, and self-awareness in leaders at all levels.

We have learned that interventions can be delivered in multiple ways – face-to-face, virtually through shorter workshops, and often supported by Action Learning and Coaching.

The task of leading organisations is becoming more complex in our changing and challenging world. In T-Space we are constantly learning and developing new ways of working with Leaders to enable them to be their best, to achieve personal growth and transformation and to build strong relationships with their people in the quest to build effective and sustainable organisations.

We are deeply committed to our leadership development. We continually invest in our own personal and leadership development so that we know from experience what works and how to create the conditions for insight and transformational change.

Our approach is informed by the work of many great thought leaders who are researching the big questions such as “what makes organisations great?”, “what kind of leaders are needed to build the organisations of the future?”, “how do we develop potential and talent so that new leaders emerge?”. We love the challenge of working in partnership with our clients to deliver bespoke interventions that will make a difference to their leaders of both now and the future.





Leadership Development

Future Leader Development is aimed at the high potential people within client organisations. Our programmes aim to deepen self-awareness and insight into the impact they create on others; develop understanding of what leadership entails and help people make realistic assessments of where their personal gaps lie and how to bridge them. We work closely with individuals to enable them to learn new skills, and approaches to get them started on their personal journeys toward leading others.

Leadership Development can be delivered for groups and individual leaders who need space to reflect on their own leadership styles.  We offer a supportive and challenging environment to enable them realise their own leadership philosophies and to develop the leadership behaviours which will equip them to lead their organisations into the future. Our approach usually includes the use of psychometrics, 360 feedback, immersive retreat style workshops, individual coaching, and where appropriate action learning. We also encourage leaders to engage in practices of self-sustaining learning such as reading, reflection and journaling which they can continue to use long after engagement with us.

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